Thursday, March 24, 2016

Peer Review for Hannah Gardner

Hannah's project is a podcast about writing in the field of psychology. She uses rhetorical concepts to talk about academic writing and a more casual form of psychological writings. In this blog post, I will be peer reviewing her project. I'm going to do my absolute best to help Hannah with the form of her project. I feel like she has good information, but maybe she isn't following the genre conventions of a podcast as well as she could.

Writing in Psychology

by Hannah Gardner

I feel like the main two genre conventions that Hannah has used are the spoken word and the transition music in her podcast. I really felt as if Hannah lacked some other things. As far as the spoken word and the transition music goes, I feel like Hannah did a good job, I just think that it would benefit her to take advantage of some of the other genre conventions.

I think that because this project is so reliant on genre examples, it would be beneficial to hear more of the genre examples from Hannah's research. She mentions articles, etc., but I really don't feel that after reading it I have an actual concrete example of what each genre would be.

I also think that a short intro before the podcast starts about what exactly is going to be found in the podcast would be helpful to the listener. Hannah has an introduction, but it's more of an introduction to her content and less of an introduction to the project itself, as sometimes podcasts have.

I don't think that there's a really good way to incorporate sound effects into this project more, due to the sort of dull nature of the topic, but if there's anyway that more sound effects or maybe some ambient music could be incorporated, I think that would make the project more interesting.

Another convention that is part of the podcast is the idea of having multiple sources of audio information. I think it would be really beneficial to perhaps have someone else read some of the genre examples in order to make the project more interesting.


I think that my feedback is helpful because it gives a better idea of what genre conventions that Hannah missed, as well as what ones would make her project more interesting to listen to. So in other words, not only does it help her get an idea of what to do to better her project, but it will also give her new ideas of what to incorporate into her project. 

We talked today in class about how important the genre conventions are for the podcast due to the unique nature of the podcast. We talked about how to incorporate audio from other sources as well as how to add written media to a project to make it interesting and effective. I tried to use these things we talked about in class in order to help Hannah better her project. 

What I liked about Hannah's work was that she sounds very natural talking during the podcast. Her voice and her inflections, etc., make me want to listen to her more. Her project doesn't sound at all forced or anything and when I go to make a podcast, I certainly hope that I sound as natural as she does when I'm recorded.

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