Sunday, March 13, 2016

Production Report 2

In the following blog post, you will find some outline material taken from my project 2 outline as well as some raw material that I've written based on the outline material. This particular item is my introduction.

Outline Item

  1. Introduction
    1. Paragraph 1
      1. Thesis: In the field of physiology, there are two main genres, the research paper and the academic presentation, and each of these genres uses different rhetorical concepts to make them separate genres, but there are also rhetorical concepts that overlap between the two and make them similar.
      2. Idea 1: In a field that is the backbone of research into our own health and wellness, nothing is more important than communicating findings found in research.
      3. Idea 2: In this project, I will delve beyond the boring details of scientific research and into the artistic details that lie behind a the genres of research papers and academic presentations.

Adaptation of Outline Item

In a field that is the backbone of research into our own health and wellness, nothing is more important than communicating findings found in research. In this project, I will delve beyond the boring details of scientific research and into the artistic details that lie behind a the genres of research papers and academic presentations. In the field of physiology, there are two main genres, the research paper and the academic presentation, and each of these genres uses different rhetorical concepts to make them separate genres, but there are also rhetorical concepts that overlap between the two and make them similar.

Audience Questions

  • As with my last adaptation, I used my different bullet points off the outline in order to separate my main ideas that I had for my introduction, including a thesis and some other introductory ideas.

  • This production was extremely easy, because although it definitely needs editing, this particular item I was able to almost just cut and paste directly from my outline because I did such a thorough job on the outline. That was extremely nice going in to the production phase as it definitely saved time then.

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