Sunday, March 27, 2016

Editorial Report #2

For my second editorial report I will be reexamining my title and my introductory paragraph, as this is the most important part of the essay. Without a good title and introduction, the reader will have absolutely no inclination to read the paper. Essentially, if your introduction is boring so is your paper.

Author Response

  1. The content changed because I made my thesis statement much more readable and clear. I also gave my paper a real life tittle thats a little more interesting than having no title at all, which is what it was before. Because the thesis statement is more clear, I think that it gives the reader a better idea as to what it going on in the paper. Because the title is more interesting I think it makes the reader actually want to read, rather than fall asleep.
  2. The form of my essay title and introduction actually changed a lot during this editing process. Firstly, I gave my paper a title which is a necessity to the genre of the college essay. So that in itself was a huge change. As far as the introduction goes, I didn't change it much, I mostly just changed the wording. I think the title is extremely important because it should allude to the content of your paper but also be interesting enough to make the reader want to read and I feel like my new title does a much better job of that.

Rough Cut Selection

In a field that is the backbone of research into our own health and wellness, nothing is more important than communicating findings found in research. In this project, I will delve beyond the boring details of scientific research and into the artistic details that lie behind a the genres of research papers and academic presentations. In the field of physiology, there are two main genres, the research paper and the academic presentation, and each of these genres uses different rhetorical concepts to make them separate genres, but there are also rhetorical concepts that overlap between the two and make them similar.

Re-Edited Selection

Physiology Papers and Presentations
In a field that is the backbone of research into our own health and wellness, nothing is more important than communicating findings found in research. In this project, I will delve beyond the boring details of scientific research and into the artistic details that lie behind a the genres of research papers and academic presentations. In the field of physiology, there are two main genres, the research paper and the academic presentation. Each of these genres uses different rhetorical concepts to make them separate genres, but there are also rhetorical concepts that overlap between the two and make them similar.

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