Sunday, March 13, 2016

Reflection on Production Work

Production is often the most tedious phase of work for me. I really felt like this week's production phase went extremely well though and that makes me very very optimistic about the weeks to come.

  • During this week's production phase, I would say that the overall putting-together of my project went extremely well. Although it's not 100% complete, and it's definitely not ready to be published yet, I feel pretty confident about it, as this production just seemed to be much much smoother than the last one. 

  • The biggest challenge that I face during this week's production was the fact that I got the flu on Thursday. I was planning on doing a lot more work throughout the week but ended up saving most of it for Sunday when I finally felt well enough to actually sit up and do English work. 

  • I think that based on the fact that this week went so smoothly that next week will probably go smoothly as well. Overall I feel pretty confident about this project compared to the last one, and I'm actually very excited to get it out there because I put a lot of work into it and I'm actually pretty confident about it.

  • Overall, as I stated before, I'm pretty confident about this project. Obviously it needs some work and some fine-tuning, but that's what next week is for. I would say that if I felt 25% confident about the last project that I feel at least 75% confident about this project. I definitely feel like I have a much better handle on this one.

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