Sunday, May 1, 2016

Peer Review for Jianna LoCricchio

For my second peer review for deadline 14, I decided to peer review someone from section 4.

Production Schedule by Jianna LoCricchio

For this peer review, I decided to comment on Jianna's production schedule for her final project.

Jianna is writing a standard college essay which, not unlike other types of writing, can be something that might be easier to write in a quiet place. She talked about just writing it in her room on her bed, but I suggested that she go to the library or some other quiet place where she won't get distracted or tempted to take a nap (because I would). If Jianna doesn't mind noise then she can just ignore my opinion.

The genre conventions of the standard college essay mean that all of it is written out in paragraph form in a more formal way than the QRG. Because of the fact that it's formally written out, I suggested to Jianna that she set aside some time just to read through what she's written. Not a formal revision or anything, but it helped me when I was writing just to frequently read what I had put down on paper.

One thing that I liked about Jianna's schedule was that she had thought about almost everything. Her schedule was super detailed, giving times, places, and alternate times and places just in case the first case didn't work out. 

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