Sunday, May 1, 2016

Production Report 14B

As I continue to work on my project, I definitely realize at this point that I'm a little bit behind. I haven't yet gotten to actually recording my raw content, but I hope to be able to do that tomorrow morning when I have a quiet place that I can record in.

Until then, I have turned my outline into a script for my project. The whole thing can be viewed here.

Outline Item-Conclusion

  1. Conclusion
    1. I went from a never-editor to an over-revisor.
    2. I think it shows my growth as a writer.
      1. I think that being able to look at my own work analytically and deciding what is wrong with it is a super important skill.
      2. I have no doubt that this will help me later on in life both in school and in my professional field when I have to look at my own work critically.

Adaptation of Outline Item-Conclusion

I went from never revising ever in my life to editing too much, and then learning to find a balance. This taught me how to be confident in my writing. The revision process is really all about learning to be confident in your work.

As I said before, college is all about learning. One of the biggest things you’ll learn in college is how to balance things. In my English 109 class, the biggest thing that I figured how to balance is how to revise but not to over-revise. I figured out how to be confident in my work without going crazy trying to make every project exactly as great as the one before.

Author Response

  • In the conclusion I wanted to take what I had in the outline and adapt it into a speakable bit that nicely sums up everything that I talk about in my podcast. It's less formal than an essay for sure, and it will spoken so I think that makes it different.

  • As I said in the production report for the introduction, my biggest hiccup so far has been that I'm super busy with my other classes as well so it's been hard to find time to record this. I would say that my second biggest problem though was the fact that it's hard to make a script for a podcast because you have to be really careful to include all your information because you can't use visuals and stuff.

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