Sunday, May 1, 2016

Production Report 14A

For our final project I will be doing a podcast.

As of today (Sunday) I have not yet recorded my rough cut. I plan to do that tomorrow. I fell behind due to a test that I had last week. But I do have the full script which can be viewed here.

I will be using this script to do my first production report for this project.

Outline Item-Intro

  1. Introduction
    1. College is a time of learning, but not just information also about yourself.
      1. You might learn that you absolutely can’t deal with a roommate
      2. Or you learn how to function without your parents doing everything for you.
    2. In the case of my English 109 class, I learned a lot about my writing process.
      1. Most specifically about how to revise/edit my work.
      2. I started out never doing revision, but this semester I did a total 180.

    1. This podcast is sort of a look back at my revision process throughout the semester.

Adaptation of Outline Item-Intro

Hey listeners. In today’s podcast I’m going to be talking about my personal growth throughout my English 109 class this semester. Specifically, in the area of revision and editing.

(Introduction music)
The first year of college classes is all about learning. I mean, all of college is about learning, but I think that the first year is especially about learning about yourself. You might learn that you absolutely cannot live with someone up in your space all the time, or that you are actually the biggest procrastinator ever to walk the earth.
I learned that I sucked at revision. I learned that I was lazy when it came to my writing. But not only was I lazy, I was afraid to be held accountable for what I put down on paper. I wasn’t confident in my writing ability. This podcast today is about my revision transformation as I went from never-ever to passionate editor, and as a result, a much better writer, and someone who was proud of their work.
So imagine, your first year writing class where the topic of your writing is not some boring, hard-to-read book from at least 70 years ago.
(insert some sort of shakespeare sound byte here)
Obviously this is a new experience. Really, high school didn’t prepare you at all for college writing. Your guidance counselor lied to you about your AP Lit classes. I mean sure you could write a 5 paragraph essay in 45 minutes, but could you look back at it and pick out every single thing that you did wrong and then make it better?

Author Response

  • Because of the genre conventions of the podcast, I knew that I'd be transforming my outline into a script that would have to be readable and keep the viewers interest. I tried to include the sounds that I intend to include in my final in the script, but obviously it needs some work.

  • I would say that the biggest challenge thus far was that I have like a billion other things going on at the same time that this essay is due. It's not an excuse, I know, but it definitely did put me behind my intended schedule. I hope that this week I'm able to effectively catch up and use my time efficiently. 

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