Sunday, February 21, 2016

Brutally Honest Self-Assesment

After hours and hours of writing and revision, my heart was close to racing when I finally hit the "submit" button. Project 1 was done. Below I will talk about my experience and my thoughts regarding my first completed project for English 109.

Coker Free Vector Images. "Checkmark, Checkbox, Check, Tick, Approve" 06/12/2014 via Pixabay. Public domain license

  1. Overall, I feel as if my project has a lot of potential to be a truly great project. I'm just not 100% sure that I got all of the guidelines of the project and utilized them in the correct way. The hardest part of this project was all of the freedom that we got with it. That was definitely the scariest part: the lack of specific guidelines.
  2. I would say the biggest weakness of my project was how I fit it into QRG format. I feel like my format itself was actually much weaker than it could have been. In retrospect, the QRG was probably not the best topic for such a huge controversy. 
  3. I would say that the biggest strength of my project is how thorough it was as a whole. My research overall was extremely thorough and I felt that I definitely gave the reader a complete understanding of the issue at hand. 
  4. I would say that my time management for Project 1 was a success. So if I end up not doing very well, I unfortunately cannot blame it on writing it all the night before it was due. Some of the blog posts were left until the last minute, so I feel as if some of those were slightly rushed, but as for the project as a whole, it was done at least 3 days before the deadline, giving me ample time to continue to revise the project.

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