Sunday, February 21, 2016

Local Revision: Variety

While writing anything, it's important to not only make sure that your work itself isn't boring, but also  to make sure that your sentences aren't boring. 

We've all read that one book where every sentence seems the same and the writing itself is boring. A certain vampire romance novel comes to mind. 

Below I will analyze the usage of variety in the sentences of my project 1, that can be viewed here

condesign. "Books, Book pages, Read, Literature" 12/08/2016 via Pixabay. Public Domain license

  1. I feel like there is actually a good amount of variation in my sentences. If I had to pick a concern that I have with my sentence variety, it would be that I seem to have a lot of compound and complex sentences. While reviewing, I'll definitely have to make sure that I try to simplify some of these sentences if possible. As far as inverting sentences and varying sentence openings, I feel like I did a good job handling both. 
  2. I feel that due to the nature of a QRG, the subheadings themselves are the main transitions between sections of the project. I feel like overall, I have a good handle on that. The transitions from paragraph to paragraph are slightly weak in my project, and I feel like that interrupts some of the flow of my project. Adding in transitions without making paragraphs wordy is definitely one of my main weaknesses while writing.
  3. I would have to say that for the most part I am extremely proud of the vocabulary choices that I used for my project. I feel like the words I used were sophisticated and made the project sound professional without making the QRG itself unreadable. I was very careful while writing not to use any technical vocabulary that was not 100% necessary. 

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