Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Major

Because this project is about how professionals in our intended field of study communicate, it's important to reflect upon what exactly it means to be a physiology major. I will do that in the following blog post, about m major.


  • Generally, students in my major learn a variety of sciences that all have to do with the processes that the human body goes through. This involves anatomy and physiology, chemistry, biology, and physics. 

  • Usually, someone with a physiology degree would go on to med school or to get a PhD and do research in the field. 

  • I wanted to be a physiology major because ever since middle school, I have wanted to be a doctor. It's something that I've known that I wanted to do for a very long time, and I'm so excited to continue to learn more.

Wellcome Images "Illustration of Skeleton Standing" 1801 via Wikimedia Commons. Creative Commons Attribution License.

Famous Physiologists

Linda B. Buck

  • Linda Buck is a physiologist and a recipient of the Nobel Prize. Along with her partner, Richard Axel, Linda won the Nobel Prize for discovering that rats and humans share nearly the same sense of smell, and using this information to determine how the olfactory senses work.
  • Linda Buck's website can be viewed here.

Dr. Kirsten Sanford

  • Dr. Kirsten Sanford is a neurophysiologist who is most known for her mass media communications involving science and physiology. 
  • She has been on many radio and TV programs that help to educate the general public on many scientific matters that they might otherwise remain ignorant about. 
  • Dr. Sanford's website can be viewed here.

Dr. Raymond Heimbecker

  • Was a surgeon who had studied in the field of physiology. Was the first person to complete a successful heart valve transplant and contributed greatly to many medical procedures and techniques that we have today.
  • Unfortunately, Dr. Heimbecker passed away in 2014, but his memory lives on in his work.
  • His accomplishments can be viewed here.

Physiology Journals

Physiological Reviews

  • Is published in the USA by the American Physiological Society.


  • Is published in the USA by the American Physiological Society.

Journal of General Physiology

  • Is published by Rockefeller University Press in the USA.

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