Wednesday, February 17, 2016

My Verbs

Verbs are one of the main components of any sort of writing. It is important to vary the verbs that you use in your writing to keep if from sounding repetitive and boring. Below there is a list of all of the verbs that can be found in my draft of the rhetorical analysis. Following the last appearance of each verb is a tally of how many times the verb was used.

MlibFR "Verb" 06/04/2012 via wikimedia commons. Attribution-Share Alike License

  • sits (1)
  • being (1)
  • has  
  • will (1)
  • have
  • be
  • pondered (1)
  • decided (1)
  • wanted
  • dictated (1)
  • will die (1)
  • decide (1)
  • ensure (1)
  • drop (1)
  • relocate (1)
  • went (1)
  • became
  • sparked (1)
  • has
  • was becoming (1)
  • making (1)
  • choose
  • seem (1)
  • have
  • understand (1)
  • hear (1)
  • think (1)
  • is
  • means (1)
  • gives (1)
  • end
  • would be
  • end (2)
  • considered (1)
  • partake (1)
  • are
  • withholding (1)
  • withdrawing (1)
  • hasten (1)
  • is
  • became (2)
  • working (1)
  • improve (1)
  • expand (1)
  • released (1)
  • spoke (1)
  • wrote (1)
  • talk (1)
  • struggled (1)
  • wanted
  • wanted
  • make (1)
  • had
  • choose
  • wanted
  • said
  • was
  • was
  • had seen 
  • would feel (1)
  • had been (1)
  • have felt (1)
  • got (1)
  • has been 
  • made
  • was
  • disagrees (1)
  • preach (1)
  • has (3)
  • takes (1)
  • said
  • makes
  • believe (1)
  • is
  • appeal
  • lacks
  • are
  • are (3)
  • appeal
  • appeal (3)
  • is (4)
  • seems (1)
  • take (1)
  • says (1)
  • has voted (1)
  • continues (1)
  • be
  • be
  • based (1)
  • found (1)
  • had seen (2)
  • knew
  • had been diagnosed (1)
  • makes (2)
  • made (2)
  • bring (1)
  • was
  • had
  • chose (1)
  • died
  • died
  • said
  • said 
  • allow (1)
  • agree (1)
  • continuing (1)
  • had (3)
  • oppose (1)
  • remind (1)
  • was
  • believed (1)
  • knew 
  • knew (3)
  • formed (1)
  • be (4)
  • said (5)
  • has been (2)
  • choose (3)
  • was
  • has said (1)
  • wanted (5)
  • watch (1)
  • die
  • supported
  • passed
  • want (1)
  • have (3)
  • die (2)
  • was (7)

Most Repeated

  • was (7)
  • wanted (5)
  • said (5)
  • be (4)
  • is (4)
  • has (3)
  • are (3)
  • appeal (3)
  • had (3)
  • knew (3)
  • choose (3)
  • have (3)
  • end (2)
  • became (2)
  • die (2)
  • has been (2)
  • had seen (2)
  • makes (2)
  • made (2)
  • all other verbs were used only once

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