Sunday, February 28, 2016

From Academia to Social Media

As with anyone in the professional field, it is important for authors of scientific journals to have some presence on social media, but to keep it very professional, as it is often easy to find them. Below I will search for further information on one of the authors featured in the Journal of General Physiology.

Eric Senning

  • I found Eric on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.
  • Eric Senning is very private on social media. All of his accounts are set to private, with the exception of LinkedIn, where only his professional information is shared. 
  • In the article, Eric has a very professional voice and uses language that is complicated and scientific, but in his social media, at least from what I can see of his twitter profile, he seems like a normal guy. His profile picture is of him holding a baby, which is actually adorable. 

Open Clipart Vectors "Twitter, Tweet, Bird, Funny, Cute, Messaging" 06/08/2013 via Pixabay. Public domain license

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