Sunday, February 28, 2016

Report on My Interviews

The interviews with professionals were extremely helpful in getting an inside look into genre conventions. I learned about different genres that I wouldn't have expected, and I learned about genres that I already knew about. In this blog post, I will talk about all that I learned while conducting my interviews.

Pasquini, Laura. "Curating Job Interview Questions" 08/14/2006 via flickr. Attribution, non-commercial, share-alike license.

  1. The three main genres that I learned about in my interviews are research articles, public presentations, and Youtube videos.
  2. All three genres are different in the way they are presented. For example, the research article is written, the presentation is live, and the video is recorded. The content of a research article is going to be much heavier than the content of a Youtube video for the general public or a presentation made at a conference. The purpose of all of these genres is to educate the reader, so they have that in common. The message of all  of these genres could potentially be the same, as each is just a way of delivering information. The audience is going to be different for each. At a conference you may have a different audience than the audience that is going to read a research article. The audience that is going to watch a Youtube video is also going to be different, than say, the audience that is going to read a serious scientific research article.
  3. From my interviews I learned that the most challenging part about the genre of the research article is making sure that the audience known exactly what you're talking about just by reading the abstract. For the presentations, I learned that a large part of the difficulty in giving them is making sure that the content can be understood by all the viewers that are going to be present at that particular presentation. For example, if the presentation is a lecture in a college course, then all of the college students who are not professionals should still be able to grasp the information being presented. 
  4. Based on my interviews, finally getting through the peer review process and finally getting published for a scientific research article is extremely exciting for the author. I also found out that it's extremely exciting for an author or presenter of information to be told that their work is either an inspiration or a fascination to someone who has viewed their particular medium of presentation. 
  5. I found a lot of examples of articles on a website called "PubMed." I found this website using a simple Google search. If you looked up the specific topic of the video that you wanted to watch, you could easily find it on Youtube as well as Google. 

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