Thursday, February 11, 2016

Peer Review #2

For our second round of peer reviewing, our assignment was to review two people's essays who are not in our section of English 109H. The goal of this assignment was to review other people's projects while reflecting on our own. Below you will find the projects that I chose to review as well as some reflections on my own writing.


This QRG was written by Noelle Young from Section 2. The full document can be read here

You can view my complete rubric here.

The College Essay

This college essay was written by Sofia Haserot, also from Section 2. The full document can be read here

You can view my complete rubric here

Kaczorowski, Jenny. "Red Pen" 07/23/2012 via flickr. Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License

My Reflections

  1. By viewing the same project in different genres I learned that background information is extremely important in order to give your audience a feel for what the context of your controversy is. For Example, in Sofia's college essay, she explains the whole background of opiate addiction in America, and this shows how important the controversy is.
  2. My quick reference guide has a very solid backbone, but before next Tuesday there are definitely things I need to work on such as adding in graphics and pictures to my QRG, giving more of a conclusion to my piece, and making sure that my controversy is clearly stated in the first few paragraphs of writing.
  3. The three strengths that my QRG has are that all of my information seems to be very solid and very thorough, I have several different stakeholders and all of the information about them as well as what they think of my controversy, and lastly, I have a genuine interest in my project, which I think comes across in the tone that I used to write the QRG. 

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