Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Content Outline

The content outline of my final project can be viewed here.

I think this final outline is pretty good so far. I'll spend the next few days converting it into a script, which I will then try to record by Thursday. I sort of just want to get this project out of the way so that I can focus more of my attention on my chem class.

1 comment:

  1. Gosh Payton, you have an extremely entertaining outline! I enjoyed reading through it a lot, it was genuinely awesome. Here are a few things I noticed:

    There are a lot of areas where you talk about very specific parts of your projects, like in III.B: "This is the first time in my life that I have taken advice
    from another student about my writing". Tell us what they said! What about what they said made you want to listen (like, were they super nice, super harsh, or saying something you were thinking in the back of your head, etc.)? How did that change your mindset? It'd be considered concrete evidence for your Project, which is always needed and wanted. It just ads a little flavor to your podcast.

    I really like the focus you've taken on with this one specific area of writing that you've improved on. You might be tempted to write about other areas of improvement at some point in time (I know from experience), but make sure to stay focused! Maybe something to keep in mind during your revision process, haha.

    It seems like your podcast is going to be in the format of you telling a story? That's really neat! If that's the case, make sure to really hone in on who your audience is (in my eyes, it seems like your main audience should be people who right now also believe revision is unnecessary and dumb).

    You ended with saying that you are now an over-revisor. I think it'd be a good idea for you to mention in your conclusion (or maybe even end your project altogether) how you need to improve in the future now that you are more open about developing your revision process. That will wrap things up really
    nicely :)

    That's pretty much all I've got for you. Keep up the great work Payton, the end is near and soon we shall be free!!

    PS: Also, you're hilarious. If you keep this tone in your actual podcast, it's going to be brilliant.
