Sunday, April 10, 2016

Production Report 2

In this post you will be able to see the second bit of content that I have adapted from my outline. You'll be able to see how I went from outline, to script, then straight to video.

Outline Item

  1. Closing
    1. Kesha is just one victim of a larger plague of being silenced for coming out with a traumatic experience.
    2. What is more important? Human existence or money.
    3. Why do we continue to silence victims?

Adaptation of Outline Item

The adaptation of this outline item can be viewed here.

Author's Response

  • The form of this raw content is obviously in the form of a video, as it is a video essay. It has been adapted from an outline, then to a script, and then finally to being presented via video essay. I chose a video of me speaking to the camera because I thought it would be best for the genre of the video essay.
  • The production of this raw material went pretty smoothly. I would say that the hardest part was writing the script and making sure that I sounded okay on camera. It's a lot harder than you'd expect to just talk to the camera. I think the best thing that happened during production was the fact that I revised the script several times, and I think that now in its raw content state its a very solid script. 

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