Sunday, April 10, 2016

Reflection on Production of Project 3

Project 3 is definitely an interesting one for me, because it will be my first project using a genre that isn't written. Getting on camera and presenting an essay is definitely a different experience for me.

Author Response

  • The biggest success of this week was the fact that I have all of my filming done. I would say that this is the biggest deal because that is the thing that is the hardest to do. It's hard to get someplace quiet and nice enough that you can film there.

  • The biggest challenge of this week was making sure that my script for the video was inclusive enough. I wanted to make sure that I had all relevant information, as well as some statistics and arguments against counterarguments. I tried my best to include all these things in my script.

  • I'd say that based on the fact that I have all of my filming done and edited down so that I know which parts I want to use, that next week will go fairly smoothly. I would say that my hardest part of this video essay will be including other videos and different media into my media. 

  • I'd say that overall I'm very confident about the project. I feel confident that I have a good argument that is based off facts and solid information. I'm also very dedicated to my topic at this point, so that makes it much easier to present information and arguments about it.

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