Sunday, April 10, 2016

Peer Review for Ben Meyer

As my final peer review for the production phase of project 3, I think that it's very likely that this peer review will help me with the post-production of my own  project. I hope to not only help Ben with his project, but to also help myself with my project 3.

"The Ugly" an Excerpt from a QRG by Ben Meyer

For Ben's rough cut, I will be making a comment about the form of his project, which is the QRG. I think this will be most helpful for him, as I have done a QRG as a project already, so it's something that I'm decently knowledgable about. I'm going to make sure that he's using the genre conventions as best as he possibly can.

 I feel like I helped Ben make his excerpt better by giving him advice for future stages of production. I did a QRG for my project 1, and based off the feedback I got, I advised Ben to take advantage of things like bulleted lists and sub-headings, that make the content easier for the reader to skim.

I feel like I really incorporated the genre conventions for the QRG into my peer review for Ben. He's doing a QRG and the QRG is a really unique genre that not a lot of people have worked with before. Since I had already written one and gotten feedback on how I could've bettered mine, I gave Ben feedback for his based on the feedback that I had gotten as well as what I knew that has to be in the QRG.

One thing that I really liked about Ben's project 3 so far is that he has a great topic. The SAT is something that really just sucks in general, but the fact that he called it out for being unfair based on social classes is something that I think is just a really great topic. In my opinion, it's something that everyone who has ever been personally victimized by the SAT can relate to. 

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