Sunday, April 3, 2016

Research Report

When doing any sort of writing that is meant to educate an audience, the most important part of  it is to have sources that educate you on the topic you're going to write about. Below is a list of my first 10 sources that have to do with my topic, which is the case of singer Kesha Rose who was sexually assaulted by a producer and is currently battling with Sony over a contract after losing a court case where she tried to sue him to release her from the contract.

1. Kesha-Sues Dr. Luke for Sexual Assault and Battery

TMZ Entertainment News, via Youtube.

I think that the author of this video is credible due to the fact that is this video he cites particular information from the court case in the video (the actual lawsuit can be found here). He also uses quotes from each of the parties that help to make the information give in the video seem more credible than if he hadn't used them (quotes can be found here).

I would say that TMZ entertainment news is targeted at young people, and more specifically young men. When I went to their website, the first thing I noticed was that there was an article titled "WWE Wives: Hottest Stars," which was an article with pictures of girls in skimpy outfits. That screamed to me to be marketing towards young men. The other reason that I would say it's targeted at young people is that TMZ news has articles about young celebrities, such as Kylie Jenner, who I don't imagine an older person who be as interested in as a young person who might find her relatable.

The purpose of this particular video was to give the audience a summary of the court case where Kesha sued Dr. Luke for release from her music contract, due to the fact that she claims she was sexually assaulted and abused. This video is trying to give an unbiased look at the court case. We can know this because it presents both sides of the court case and does not specifically show favor towards one side or the other. The author of the video also uses sayings like "We'll let the court decide what really happened," to show that it is in fact just trying to give unbiased information about the case, rather than to pick sides.

Other details that make the viewer know that it is a reliable source is the fact that the video has a lot of views and that TMZ entertainment has quite a large following on Youtube and on other social media outlets. This source is also updated frequently with updates on news stories like the one about Kesha which makes it an extremely up-to-date and very useful source, especially on topics that are still being resolved.

2. Court Rules Against Releasing Kesha from Her Recording Contract

Wochit Entertainment, via Youtube.

The author of this video appears to be credible, as in the video it states the results of the trial which can be verified here. It also states how Kesha is planning to appeal the trial which can be verified here

Wochit Entertainment seems to be targeted at an audience that is in interested in celebrity and entertainment news specifically based on the content of the videos that they upload to their Youtube channel. Based on the fact that their videos are only found on Youtube, it would seem to me that they are targeting a very technologically savvy audience, rather than say, someone who is into celebrity gossip but only reads tabloid magazines. 

The purpose of this video was to again give a summary of the court case where Kesha was suing Dr. Luke for her freedom from a contract she had made with Sony. This author uses pathos by calling Kesha a victim, etc. and makes you want to side with her as well as find out more about the state of her condition, etc. The author also uses quotations from both sides of the argument that present information in such a way that you definitely get a feel for both sides of the story. 

As with the previous video, we can tell that this is a reliable source because this channel on youtube has many many followers and their videos get a large amount of views so they are held highly accountable for the information that they provide. Another thing that makes this source credible is that in the video description, they offer background information and additional information on the topic to supplement their video.

3. Dr. Luke Breaks Silence on Free Kesha

The Young Turks, via Youtube. 

The author of this video appears to be extremely credible as they use many sources of information. They use tweets by both Dr. Luke and Kesha which can be verified here. They also cite specific statistics such as the fact that 2-8% of rape is provably false and state that the statistic come from the National Review

This Youtube channel is targeted at an audience that is interested in entertainment news but less in a tabloid fashion and more in a statistically-backed fashion. You can tell this based on the cited statistics. They also present arguments for both sides rather than just stating facts, which shows that they are trying to convince the audience to take a side, but not necessarily a specific one.

The purpose of this video is to present a debate about a current debate that is happening between Kesha and Dr. Luke. This debate presents both sides of the argument and has three different speakers that argue for the different sides of the arguments by using logos in the form of statistics. Each of the speakers each also use ethos, by giving personal testimony and opinions backed by facts to present their arguments.

We can tell that this is a reliable source because the Young Turks channel is the largest online news show in the UK. Many people are currently viewing their videos which means that they are held to a high standard as far as the information in their videos goes.

4. Kesha Claims Sexual and Physical Abuse by Dr. Luke

Clever News, via Youtube.

The author of this video appears to be extremely credible as they cite their information. All of their information about the lawsuit can be found here. They also cite claims made by Kesha regarding the assault and the abuse that she faced that can be found here.

This Youtube channel is targeted at an audience that is interested in entertainment news and gossip, as can be seen by the related videos that they talk about in the video, like "Harry Styles vs. Zayn Malik" and "11 of Miley Cyrus's Best Music Videos Ever." Based on the articles that were suggested, as well as the content of the majority of their videos, I would guess that Clevver News' target audience is younger people, who, I'm going to guess based on stereotype, are probably girls that are interested in boybands and younger pop stars. 

The purpose about this video is to give an analysis of the court case, but more from Kesha's point of view. They focus specifically on Kesha's story, rather than also presenting the story of Dr. Luke, her alleged abuser. This video tries to make the viewer side with Kesha by telling the story of Kesha's victimization. 

We can tell that this a reliable source, due to the popularity of Clevver News on Youtube. Their videos get many views. Their videos are also updated frequently with new sides of stories, etc., allowing us to believe that they are credible and on top of it, news-wise.

5. Kesha Sobs as Judge Refuses to End Contract with Alleged Rapist Dr. Luke

Pop trigger, via Youtube. 

The author of this video is credible due to the fact that they cite information from other places, including statements made by other people, such as Kelly Clarkson, that have worked with Dr. Luke. This information can be verified here. They also cite the specific outcomes of the trial, which forces Kesha to remain under her contract with Sony until the lawsuit on sexual assault is decided. This information can be verified here.  

This Youtube channel is targeted at an audience that is interested in an audience that is not only interested in celebrity news, but also on the opinions behind the controversy. We can tell that it is targeted at celebrity news because all of their other videos have to do with controversies that celebrities are involved in. This channel appeals also to people who want to view opinions of people on celebrity controversies. We can know this because this is an opinionated show that debates certain trending topics in the media, such as the court case of Kesha vs. Dr. Luke.

The purpose of this video is to get a look at the results of the court case that Kesha lost, and to present an opinion on why it is a bad thing that she lost this particular case. We can tell that this is the purpose because all of the speakers start out by saying that Kesha should've been believed when she claimed she was raped and wanted out of her contract, rather than being told she was lying to get money. They talk about rape culture and how that plays into the results of the trial. This video tries to get the viewer to see Kesha as a victim of possibly assault, but definitely as a victim of corporate greed as they cited information about how Sony was refusing to let her out of her contract even though it's clear that both parties were upset with the state of things.

We can tell that this is a reliable source based on its popularity and the amount of viewers and subscribers that this show has on youtube. We can also tell that its a reliable source because all of the people involved in the video can be found on social media, and you can see that most of them are heavily tied to reporting on news and opinions, and often share their work on Twitter and social media probably because they are proud of it and want to be tied to it. 

6. Kesha Breaks Down in Tears as Judge Denies Her Request to Terminate Her Contract with Sony

Entertainment Tonight, via Youtube.

The author of this video is credible due to the fact that they cite specific information from the court case which can be verified here. Not only that, but they give statements that were made by Dr. Luke and can be viewed here.

This youtube channel is targeted specifically at people who are interested in entertainment and celebrity news as is indicated by both the title of their website and Youtube channel, and the content that they post. Most of what they post is celebrity news and trending topics on entertainment. 

The purpose of this video was to give an unbiased overview of the results of Kesha's Trial to try and get out of her record contract. The reason I say that it is unbiased is because they have statements and information from both parties and present both sides of the story. They present the outcome without taking a side either way, making it unbiased.

We can tell that this is a reliable source because Entertainment tonight is a huge news source about entertainment news that would suffer greatly if they were ever to post or publish false information. We also can know that it is a reliable source because the authors and presenters associated with this video can all be linked to this video, and if information in it were false, they would be tied to it. 

7. Kesha Says She Was Offered Freedom from Sony if She Recanted Rape Allegations

by Alex Young, via Consequence of Sound

The author of this article is credible due to the fact that he is the founder of this news cite, meaning that his reputation is at stake every time he or anyone else writes something for the magazine. this information can be verified here. He can also be found on LinkedIn where you can see that he went to Fordham University, a very prestigious school in New York. 

Consequence of Sound is a website that is targeted at people who like Entertainment News. All of their articles are about entertainment news, with titles and topics like "Kim Kardashian Loses It over DJ Duo's Ridiculous Outburst." I would also say that it is targeted at young people as most of the subjects of the news stories are people that younger people are more interested in, like Justin Bieber. 

The purpose of this article was to inform its readers about an update in a particularly hot case that is trending at the moment. I say that it is in update because it only references the court case, it doesn't explain it in full detail, rather the focus of the article is on an offer that was made to Kesha. This source is unbiased in this particular article as it's meant mostly just to present information rather than to give an opinion.

We can tell that this is a reliable source because in the article, there are hyperlinks to other sources. There are also references to social media posts and comments made by the singer Kesha in regards to the offer that was made to her.

8. Sony Music to Drop Dr. Luke Amid Public Pressure over Kesha, Internal Headaches

by Matt Donnelly, via The Wrap

The author of this article is credible due to the fact that he is the Senior Entertainment Reporter at this particular source. He previously worked at the LA Times, another credible source, and went to Temple University. This information can be viewed here.

This news source is targeted to people who want to read a wide variety of news, as can be seen from the content of their stories with titles like "Ivana Trump Defends Ex-Husband as Pro-Immigrant" and "Inside Amy Schumer Teaser Reaveals Huge Game of Thrones Spoiler." This source is also targeted at people who want to read news online, rather than in print, due to its online-only access.

The purpose of this article was to inform the audience about efforts made by Sony to improve its PR after the refusal to terminate Kesha's contract and a lawsuit. They cite statements made by an internal source at the magazine talking about how it is possible that Sony will drop Dr. Luke due to rape allegations. This is an unbiased piece that it more about informing the reader rather than convincing them. The reason I say this is because it is based on facts and evidence rather than trying to convince the reader of something. 

We can tell that this is a reliable source because there are working hyperlinks in the article that take the reader to other sources of information relating the particular case. There are also "updates" published as edits to the article in the case that there was misinformation, showing that the news source tries to be as accurate as possible with the news that they post.

9. Taylor Swift Is on Kesha's Side, but Contract Law Is Not

by Matt Donnelly, via The Wrap

The author of this article is credible due to the fact that he is the Senior Entertainment Reporter at this particular source. He previously worked at the LA Times, another credible source, and went to Temple University. This information can be viewed here.

This news source is targeted to people who want to read a wide variety of news, as can be seen from the content of their stories with titles like "Ivana Trump Defends Ex-Husband as Pro-Immigrant" and "People v. OJ Simpson: 10 Bizarre Details they Got Right." This source is also targeted at people who want to read news online, rather than in print, due to its online-only access.

The purpose of this article was to take more of a side of the story of Kesha and her allege rapist Dr. Luke. In this article, the author sides with Kesha, saying that it is terrible that Sony refuses to end the contract amidst such allegations of abuse. The author also talks about how Sony is the real villain in this case because it would not be such a big deal if it weren't for corporate greed.

This is a reliable source because there are working hyperlinks in the article that take the reader to other sources of information relating to the particular case. This sis also a large media outlet, so for them to publish false information would be detrimental to their reputation.

10. Kesha, Dr. Luke Case Highlights Hidden Side of Record Contracts

by Steve Knopper via Rolling Stone website

The author of this article is credible due to the fact that he can be found on Twitter and is heavily tied to his work on social media, meaning that if he ever published something that wasn't credible he would get wrecked. He can also be found on LinkedIn, where it says he got an education at the University of Michigan, meaning that he is educated and credible in that sense. 

Rolling Stone website is targeted to people who want to read about entertainment news, but also about trending issues that are happening. They have music and movie reviews, but they also get political with articles like "Coyote Bros: How Hard Partying College Kids Became Immigrant Smugglers." This source is also targeted at people who are interested in a more liberal interpretation of the news, as Rolling Stone is often very opinion-based with a leaning towards the liberal direction. 

The purpose of this article was to talk about how even when things as terrible as rape and mental health issues are caused by a contract, legally the contract is still binding. It uses the example of Kesha and Dr. Luke to illustrate this point, but also talks about a case that involved Michael Jackson many years ago. It uses quotations from people involved in the case to get you to side with Kesha in this particular story, and to try and make Sony appear to be the bad guy. 

This is a reliable source because Rolling Stone is a large publication that is in itself a reliable source. They would not publish something that wasn't factual, as that would ruin their reputation badly. You can also tell that it's a reliable source because in the article, there are links to other sources and articles that relate to the topic. 

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