Sunday, April 10, 2016

Production Report

As with all projects, there are multiple stages of production in this one. In the blog post below you will be able to see the differences between my content outline and my rough cut of my video essay.

Outline Item

  1. Greeting
  2. What is this video about?
  3. Attention grabbers:
    1. What should be our response to a major company that tries to silence the voice of someone who is suffering due to their refusal to end a contract, in favor of money over life?
    2. What does it say about American culture that a celebrity with a huge influence on girls and boys alike cannot speak out about what happened to her because she is called a liar and an attention whore?
  4. I think that Sony needs to free Kesha from her contract because...

Adaptation of Outline Item

The adaptation of the introduction of my outline item can be viewed here.

Author Response

  • I changed the information from my outline first into a script, which can be viewed here. Then I used the script and turned it into a video of me presenting my information. The conventions of the video essay is that some form of video will be used, so for now I have video of just me talking but later I hope to add in more video.
  • I would say that the production of the raw material actually went quite well. It was easy enough to film myself talking and it was easy enough to write a script, as this is something that I'm passionate about. The biggest challenge that I faced was definitely having to look at myself on camera for so long. After watching yourself talk for long enough you start to feel like the whole thing is just garbage, so I hope that when I come back to this next week during post-production I will feel better about it. 

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