Sunday, April 17, 2016

Editorial Report 12B

The second part of my video that I chose to show the editing process for was the conclusion of the video. This is the part of the video that is written to make the viewer think so this is extremely important to get right, hence why I'm publicly showing my revision process.

Selection from Rough Cut

The selection from my rough cut can be viewed here

Re-Edited Selection

The new and (hopefully) improved version can be found here.


  • The content of my conclusion for project 3 changed during editing because I cut a lot of information out that I decided wasn't really that relevant to the project. I found myself rambling a lot on camera and so I tried to cut my video so that the content was as direct as possible and as clear as possible. 

  • The form changed because I added music and a credits section as well as transitions. All of these are genre conventions that help add towards the form of the video essay. I think that the new form is more effective because it makes the video more interesting and more like a video and less like a written essay.

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