Sunday, April 17, 2016

Reflection on Global Revision Process

As with all processes, the global revision process for project 3 has had its ups and downs. In this post I will reflect on the global revision process for this project.


  • The biggest success for me during this process was the fact that I cut out a lot of content from my project that I felt was sort of irrelevant or not really necessary to make my argument. I feel like it helped a lot because it made my argument more concise and more convincing. It still needs work, but it definitely was worse before. 

  • The hardest part about this week was the fact that I still am not sure where to fit in other media into my project without weakening my argument. I definitely need to spend some time thinking about this as this is super important to the video essay genre. 

  • I think next week is going to be busy with this project. I have to find places to fit in media into my project, as well as cut down the length a little bit. I'm not sure how I'm gonna do this, but my goal is to work on this project for an hour each day, minimum, 

  • Overall I'm pretty confident about this project as far as the information and the topic goes. I'm struggling a little bit with the form, that's for sure, but I have no doubt that I'll figure it out if I just put the time in.

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