Sunday, April 24, 2016

Revised Post to Peer Reviewers

In this post I'll be talking about the fine cut of my project 3.

My project 3 fine cut can be viewed here.

Author Response

  • I'm actually pretty confident about this new fine cut that I've posted. I spent a ton of time this past week refilming and rewriting to make sure that my video was the best possible. I guess that compared to my last cut, I'm actually excited for people to watch this one.

  • I feel like my biggest weakness is just that it's a long video. I guess I would just like to make sure that it holds the viewers' attention and fills the purpose of arguing my point.

  • I think that the biggest strengths of my video is that I feel like I have used other media in order to strengthen my argument. I guess I would just like to know if this is actually effective or if it's not.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed your video essay and I did not think it was too long or boring! I like how you use videos to support your statements. The only thing I would say to fix is to finish your statements before you move on to the next video or clip because sometimes your words are cut off. I would also keep some of the text on the screen longer to give your viewers more time to read it.
